June 27th

Today at camp we started off the day by raising the flag in the morning followed by a few simple stretches. Breakfast was french toast and peaches. At the overflow table I was informed by a camper that the best way to tell if a peach is ripe is to smell it! After breakfast, campers headed back to the cabin to clean. Once cleanup was over, campers headed to their first classes. All of the campers seemed quite anxious to get to their first Sports, Arts and Crafts, Boating, and Swimming classes in the morning. Free time for the campers followed classes. For lunch we had ziti and salad with pudding for dessert.Our first general swim gave the campers and opportunity to cool off after rest hour. During activity period, activities like ultimate frisbee, jumping off the tower, canoeing, fishing, stand-up paddle boards, and nukem all entertained the kids until finally dinner arrived. for dinner we had chicken patties, chips, pickles, carrots, and applesauce. For evening program we played one of my favorites, capture the flag, which introduced the campers to playing in the woods. A quick dip after the game seemed like a perfect way end a beautiful second day to the coed session. Kyle Macsuga