June 26th

Hello to everyone who reads the blog! I am so happy to be blogging, but more importantly I am so happy that camp is finally here. Yesterday, after going through rules, learning counselor's names, and playing games like knock hockey, tether-ball, ping pong, and horseshoes by the lodge the campers and staff worked up an appetite. Luckily, Sue, camp's awesome cook, prepared the traditional hot dogs and tater tots for the first night's dinner. For dessert we had delicious brownies (they are especially good with milk!). Shortly after dinner was finished, the bell rang and alerted everyone to head up to the A-field for a longtime favorite campwide evening program, Medical War! In this dodgeball game, medics and guards volunteer to save their fallen comrades after they are hit by opposing dodgeballs. Downed teammates loudly yell "MEDIC!" to alert their team's medics to save them. After a few more nighttime rules, campers got ready for bed and counselors began reading their cabin's book. The campers all seemed to be tired out after a long first day and made good use of their freshly made beds!

-Kyle Macsuga (smallcraft director)