Hello everyone, and welcome to 2nd Girls Camp 2022!
We had some beautiful weather during drop-off, and it stayed through the evening!
After everyone was moved into their cabins, counselors gave a tour of camp so that everyone could know where the important places (the waterfront, the bathrooms, the lodge, etc.) were!
We went to the Council Ring to go over camp rules, and then new campers headed over to the waterfront for swim classification tests. Meanwhile, returning campers had a snack, played games around the flagpole, and caught up with their friends!
Supper (what we call the evening meal at camp) was the traditional hot dogs and tater tots, with brownies for dessert! After the meal, we all headed up to the A-Field for our first-night game of Medical War. It's a camp-wide game of dodgeball, but with "medics" bringing campers that got out back into the game. Everyone had a lot of fun :)
Once we were finished with the game, it was time to head to bed. It was a nice cool night, and hopefully everyone was cozy in their bunks! To help campers fall asleep, counselors chose a book to read to their cabin once everyone was in bed.
See you all tomorrow!