Wonderful Wednesday!

The heat wave continues! On days like today, we are so lucky to be living in the woods on a lake. We spent the day in the water. After a rich breakfast of waffles and peanut butter, we had a morning of boating, swimming, sports, and arts and crafts. Boating classes today floated in life jackets and played water games instead of going out into the hot boats. Sports classes also played in the water. Dinner was a delicious meal of chicken parm, spaghetti, salad, and bread, with chocolate pudding and whipped cream for dessert! We had a regular afternoon schedule, and sports class was able to be held on the A-field in the afternoon shade, and boaters went out on the lake!

Supper tonight was eat out-- sandwiches, pickles, chips, grapes, and cookies. Cabins ate at various locations around camp, including many docks and picnic tables. Everyone had a lot of fun!

Now, campers are heading up to the A-field for evening program. Tonight's time will be split between a game of Capture the Flag and a general swim. Everyone will be nice and cooled off before bed!

Tune in tomorrow for more Wamah updates!

-the Birch Blogger