Monday, July 3rd

The first full day of boys camp was one that no one could have expected. The sun rose, wake up bell rang, and we all gathered around the flag pole to recite the pledge and of course, do chicken fat. Coming from two female staff members who have never been to boys camp before, it was an extraordinary sight to see every single camper participating in the push-up section.

For breakfast, we had waffles. The sun came out just in time for morning classes! Perfect weather for the first swimming class…several campers wished they could stay in the water longer. In sports class, we played the classic first game, nukem. Other campers got to go down to the archery range and try out their aiming skills. One camper on hilltop nearly got a bullseye!

For lunch (also known as dinner), we had meatloaf with mashed potatoes, corn, and bread. Our head cook, Sarah, was nervous about using her personal recipe for the meatloaf, but the results were delicious; many people expressed delight about the turnout. For dessert, we had butterscotch pudding, my personal favorite.

Right before rest hour, campers got their first glimpse at the selection of candy after store. As they ate their candy and relaxed in their cabins, the LT’s were out in the lake beginning their lifeguard training. The sun was still bright and hopes were high for the rest of the day. Following rest hour was the introduction of rules for general swim, which ended up pushing our schedule back slightly. For this reason, fourth period was cut short and campers went right into activity period. Options included the tower, gaga ball, and so many other fun activities.

Next was supper where we all enjoyed some classic grilled cheese and tomato soup. Everything was going great, and that’s when the storm began! A rainbow seemed to appear but suddenly there was a downpour, yet again making evening program an indoor upper lodge game: minute to win it. The campers competitively played, cheered, got all their energy out, sang good night songs, and then headed to bed! FYI: there is nothing better than raindrops on the top of the cabin while falling asleep. All in all, it was a classic sunny/rainy camp day. What more could you ask for?