Friday, July 15th

What a beautiful morning we have this morning after a very exciting day yesterday!

Yesterday was quite lovely regardless of the humid weather! Everyone was very excited to get into the water to try and cool down. The swimmers began testing yesterday and will finish that up today. They show Catherine everything that they have learned within these past two weeks in hopes of passing their level! The boaters do exactly the same thing and do their best with the strokes that their teachers taught them! Sports class was a fun and nerve-wracking time for some kids. We did a ropes course element known as the trust fall. All of the counsellors caught the campers along with some help from campers themselves! Arts and crafts period as spent finishing up projects! 

Lunch was an array of sandwiches - tuna, egg salad, and of course the ever so popular, PB&J! We enjoyed peaches and pears for dessert. This meal of sandwiches is always served on the last Thursday of the session because for dinner we have our banquet meal.

All of the campers played some fun games or finished up their art projects during general swim due to a slight chill in the air. The one special thing about yesterday was the attire for dinner. Everyone in the camp wore something clean and fresh that they have never worn because our banquet meal is just like a Thanksgiving meal! The kitchen staff works to make turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberries for everyone in camp. They work tirelessly throughout the day in hopes of filling everyone's belly before our after meal festivities. 

Instead of an evening program game as we usually do, after every banquet we gather in the lodge and sing songs. The staff did a skit for the campers to show what a typical life for someone at Asto Wamah is like. Every camper was also presented with a year award! The awards are different depending upon how many years of camp you have attended. We had may new campers and many old campers, all obtaining awards for their hard work and dedication for coming to camp!

After everyone has obtained an award, we gather in a circle and light candles. We use these candles to show that each person is special at Asto Wamah and in the world as well! Without one light, everything is a bight dimmer. We blow out our individual candles at the same time and head off to bed. As tradition holds, there is no talking after banquet until the morning. We use this time to reflect on the fun times we have had here and the things that we are thankful for!

Tonight we will be having our campfire! Those who place din the top three during track and field events will receive their ribbons and awards and we will all talk part in watching a live show of pictures from these past two weeks! Everyone looks forward to this because we are able to see all the silly pictures and exciting times we have had together! S'mores, probably one of the best parts of campfire, will be handed out for us all to chow down on! 

It seems as though no one wants to leave but they are all excited to see their families tomorrow morning! Remember pick up begins at 8:30 am and ends at 10:30 am! Everyone is ready to enjoy the last beautiful day of camp to its fullest!
