What a windy day it's been at Asto Wamah! The morning started off with delicious french toast, with an option of cereal. After cabin clean up, campers level 6 and superstars made the arduous journey to Frog Island (a shallow area of rocks and sand directly across the lake). Eight campers ventured during our 1st period, collected their rocks, and made it back for their 2nd period!
Meanwhile, classes continued on as normal. A bit too windy for row boats, but drifting around the lake on a sunny day was still enjoyable! Counselors to the rescue a few times. The wind didn't stop our swimmers, however, so everyone was in practicing their floating, strokes, and dives. Up on the A-field, campers played soccer, kickball, and a dodgeball game called SPUD. Everyone is looking forward to the trust fall coming up in sports later this week! Kevin and his nature took a break from hunting Boris, and tried their hand at fishing. Lots of digging for worms!
After a smooth morning, we all sat down to a feast of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, cucumbers, steamed carrots, all with a side of ketchup. For dessert: vanilla pudding. Per usual, full bellies didn't stop anyone from getting their favorite candies at store. The good morning vibes continued into rest hour. Campers napped, read, ate their candies and wrote letters(?). No passing up on general swim today! The sun was out and the water was fresh.
Following fourth period, all the campers were out and about for activity period. Campers had the option of participating in an archery tournament, soccer up on the A-field, jumping off the tower of course, and ALL the sail boats went out. The hunter and a fleet of Sunfish hit the lake to catch this breezy day! Everyone made it back to land with huge smiles and soaking wet bathing suits. No cookee bell today after activity period today because it's Wednesday; cabins scattered around camp for our second eat out. The wind didn't stop hungry campers from enjoying their packed sandwiches on the dock. Others made it up to the chapel, over to the council ring, and even on and around the A-field.
Tonight, we have a treat in store! No games up on the field or in the woods. Instead, we'll all be lined up facing the lodge to watch all our talented campers perform in our Asto Wamah's traditional Talent Night! Campers will be singing, playing instruments, performing skits, and even our staff will jump in with our own silly show.
Hoping for more sun and windy days for our sailers!
~ Taylor, Allissa, and Lydia