Girls' Camp - Track Meet!

Hey everyone!

Today was the long awaited track meet! With green and white team leaders picked out yesterday by virtue of team spirit, we started off early morning with track and field events: the softball throw, standing long jump, and running long jump. We ended our morning with a 50-yard dash - everyone put in awesome effort!

With this being another boiling day, plus the additional amount of physical activity we’d been doing, water bottles were essential. Many placed first, second, and third with distances going around the world more than twice and girls jumping higher than the horizon. Once we finished on the A-Field, everyone went in for a General Swim before dinner.

Our pasta dinner fueled our athletes for the latter half of the track meet festivities! After Rest Hour, campers participated in a team relay that consists of a swim/boat/canoe/foot race, and other relays that included a hula hoop race! Campers will find out if the green or white team won at Campfire on Friday night!

Our very active day will surely help the campers to sleep like rocks tonight. Until tomorrow,
