September Asto Wamah Update

Greetings to all Faithful Asto Wamah Followers,

Now that the summer camping season is behind us and the daily blogs written by Shannon and Sloane (and others) are in the past, you can expect to hear from us at the beginning of each month until June when the daily news returns.  We are sorry we missed September 1st by a day or two. We will try to be more punctual going forward.

Since the last session finished on August 12th and Family Camp on the 26th, there have been some noticeable changes at Asto Wamah.  To begin with it is VERY quiet.  No laughing or shouting even at Gaga!  No hum from the walk-ins. The cabins are all closed up, the clotheslines are down, and boats, canoes, sailboats, and stand-up paddleboards have all been put in a safe place.

If you were to walk into camp today, the first thing you would probably notice is the empty waterfront. Here are two pictures that give you a view from the flagpole and from Little Dipper.  This is our way of protecting the rafts during the possibly stormy and definitely cold months ahead. Columbia Lake will soon be drained down a few feet. We will give you updates on that in future months.

Because the hustle and bustle are gone doesn’t mean things are not happening. Cabin 6 just received (a long overdue) coat of paint on Thursday.  It is a great improvement.  As the weather holds, there will be endless projects to maintain and improve camp.

Hope the end of your summer included spending time with friends and family and enjoying lots of time outside.  Hope you also remembered to share those awesome skills you learned at CAW, including being respectful and Remembering the Other Fellow.  We are thinking of each of you as you return to your back-to-school routine. We trust your new confidence and independence will put you in a good place as you reenter the role of being a student.

Look for the next blog near October 1st!

With still vivid memories of the summer of 2017 at Asto Wamah,

Catherine, Jen, Chris and Nancy