Today started off on the chillier side, but as the day progressed the weather only got more beautiful. For breakfast this morning the campers chowed down on waffles—it is a camp tradition to put peanut butter on top of your waffles which is so delicious! Morning classes were filled with exuberance, as today many of the girls started in their new class levels. During some swimming classes campers were able to jump off of the tower for the first time. For dinner, everyone happily ate chicken tenders with rice and corn as sides. Dessert was vanilla pudding! We lucked out on missing a huge storm, so we were able to have general swim after rest hour as usual. Fishing has continued to be quite popular this session, and I can for sure say that I have never seen as many fish caught throughout all nine years I have been at camp as I have within these first three days of this session. Since today is Wednesday, the kitchen had their night out, so we had eat out for dinner. This means that the girls were able to put in their orders for sandwiches… turkey, ham, or a PB & J. They were also able to eat in various places around camp such as the docks, the a field, or a picnic table. Tonight we are playing another camp favorite: spies and smugglers! Although, I do not think that any of the girls have guessed that this is the game tonight. Another great day is down in the books.