Apologies for the two day gap in the Birch Blog, things around camp have just been so busy and fun! As all returning readers already know, track and field day is usually on Sunday, but since it is supposed to rain tomorrow we decided to push it to today. This morning the girls ate English muffins for breakfast before the start of their athletic day. After breakfast, the campers headed on up to the A-field for the morning events. This included: the softball throw, the standing long jump, and the long jump. After all the different areas of camp were able to give it their all at each station, we set up for the 50 yard dash. There was lots of cheering echoing throughout camp, and of course the sportsmanship was superb. For lunch we had a camp favorite: shepherd’s pie. Dessert was banana pudding. After the girls stuffed themselves full with food after their active morning, they were able to rest for rest hour. In the afternoon we started off with the marathon, followed by the relay triathlon, and then the swim races. It looks to me as though the green team may be in the lead! We also offered a diving contest during activity period where the top three girls won free store! Since the kitchen had another one of their nights out, we had eat out in our backyard barbecue style. Meaning that the girls were able to grab hot dogs, chips, pickles, and bug juice and pick somewhere to eat with their friends. Tonight we will finish up our track and field day with relay races and more fun events! I will be keeping you all updated on who will win first girls’ track meet! Do we think white will pull through, or will green continue to dominate?