Wacky Wednesday!

Campers awoke to an early thunderstorm this wacky Wednesday! We skipped our usual flag raising and chicken fat so we wouldn't get too soaked by the downpour that followed the storm. Breakfast was a delightful meal of oatmeal, cereal, corn bread, and hot chocolate/orange juice.  Campers then got back on schedule as the clouds parted, allowing normal morning classes to begin.  Campers are still working fervently to complete levels, projects, and make the most of their last few hours at Asto Wamah. Dinner was a camp favorite (and my favorite by far!), Shepherd's Pie with salad and CHOCOLATE PUDDING PIE for dessert!!  The campers then had their normal rest hour and general swim but by the end of fourth period (during which hilltop sports found 18 four-leaf clovers, picture coming soon) or the beginning of activity period, the rain was back so campers played various board games in the lodge.

Today was the kitchen staffs day off so campers we were going to have another supper eat out night of turkey, ham, pb and j, or humus sandwiches out around camp but because of the rain we ate our sandwiches, pickles, chips, cookies, and yogurt at our normal tables.  Tonight, campers are playing a reverse scavenger hunt! This is a TON of fun.  The campers bring 10 items from their cabins to use as props in various skits the counselors give them to act out. My favorite from last session was a "boy band skit" there were a ton of One Direction acts :D


-The Birch Blogger