January Camp News

Dear Asto Wamahites,The Camp Reunion was a great success.  The crowd was a bit smaller than usual, but there was no lack of enthusiasm and excitement.  We were all amazed by the magic of Jonathan Jacques.  He is terrific.  As always, it was wonderful to reconnect with so many people from the summer and in a variety of ways reminisce about our time at Asto Wamah.  Thanks to all who were able to attend. All is peaceful on Columbia Lake at this time.  Because there has been no snow yet, we have not had to abandon outside jobs so progress is still being made with our latest projects.   Additionally there is always wood to be cut and brush to be cleared.  The Nature Trail was hit hard by Alfred at the end of October.  Work to move fallen trees and open the path will go on for a very long time. I have included some pictures to give you an idea of the mayhem. The new bathroom is looking great and I hope to have some pictures in the February blog.  I know we will all be proud of our commitment to supporting the environment by reducing our use of natural resources in this facility. The holiday season is now behind us and life is returning to its usual routines.  I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable break from school and are ready to tackle the second half of the academic year. The 2012 brochure is presently at the printers.  It will be mailed on Feb. 1st and should be at your house on Feb. 2nd or 3rd.  We are hoping that a session (or 2) at Asto Wamah will fits into your summer schedule.   Please send me the names and addresses of any friends or relatives who may enjoy a one or two-week stay at camp this summer.  Don’t hesitate to email me through the web site if you have questions. Wishing you a happy, safe and healthy New Year, Nancy