Girls Session 2, Day 7

On Sunday we had a fun-filled busy day.  The campers had chocolate chip break and cereal for breakfast.  After breakfast those campers who wanted to switch for a bottom or top bunch had the chance to do so.  The second Sunday of the two week session is our traditional Wamah track meet day.  The camp is split into teams:  green and white.  It was a very exciting day where the campers were able to compete in games in the morning such as the softball throw, running long jump, standing long jump and 50 yard dash.  After the morning games the campers went in for a general swim. We had a beautiful day for track meet but it was was still very hot so it was important that the campers spent time in the lake!  There were also swimming races and a marathon run for those campers who chose to compete.  This year a lot of campers came out to run the marathon (not 26 miles-- but about a half mile run)... After lunch of ham and noodles the campers enjoyed a much needed rest hour.  After rest hour we had our Indian War Relay where both teams race around camp on foot, in canoes, in boats and swimming to determine the winner.  The green team won this session!  After the relay the campers enjoyed another general swim to cool down from the race.  For dinner last night we had pizza and green and white cake for desert.  For evening program last night we finished the track meet games with different relays such as an obstacle course. This morning looks like we might have some storms passing through.  We had french toast for breakfast and classes are resuming as usual unless we experience storms which will result in moving the classes inside.

-Emma Tuthill (LT Director)