We did not see much sun yesterday but we continued with normal activities. For lunch the campers enjoyed chicken parm with spaghetti and vanilla pudding for desert. After rest hour we continued with our normal day of general swim then 4th period class of boating, arts and crafts and sports. For activity period many campers jumped off the tower, played aquarium games or played volleyball on the A-field. Last nights dinner was grilled cheese with tomato soup and apple sauce. For desert we had peach crisp. For evening program the campers played an exhilarating game of King Dodge Ball. After evening program last night we sang a few songs and those campers who were hot from the game enjoyed a quick dip in the lake before washing up for bed. This morning we finally enjoyed longer periods of sunshine. For breakfast this morning we had oatmeal, cereal, and english muffins. The campers had regular classes this morning. For sports classes some campers went to tennis and archery. The wind was great for sailing class today! For lunch the campers had pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans and for desert assorted fruit. After lunch today all the campers go to store to chose a candy and also get postcards, envelopes etc.. for writing letters home! In a few minutes rest hour will begin and the campers will spend time reading, writing letters, listening to music, or napping before general swim!
Emma Tuthill, LT Director