Girls Session, Day 8

As yesterday was the middle Sunday of this session of camp, it was track and field day. On Saturday, each section selected team captains who in turn picked permanent green and white teams. In the morning, campers competed in the softball throw, running long jump, standing long jump and fifty-yard dash. A quick general swim to cool off was followed by the traditional track meet day mid-day meal of ham, egg noodles, corn on the cob and green and white cake. After rest hour, some campers elected to compete in the half-mile marathon, and the entire camp participated in the Indian War Relay, which begins with runners at the top of the camp road, who relay batons to swimmers, then to boats and canoes, back to runners on the far side of camp, and finally again to two Seniors swimmers who race back to main dock. In one of the closest races in recent memory, the White team won by only a few seconds. While it was too hot to walk to the town of Columbia’s official Fourth of July parade today, campers enjoyed the boat parade on the lake during Sunday afternoon’s General Swim and watched fireworks over the lake in the evening.

Today, campers are back to the regular schedule, decorating tote bags in arts and crafts, playing drip-drip splash and other water games in sports, and swamping canoes in small craft. Lunch today was ravioli and French bread, and supper will be grilled cheese. Tonight the LT’s will be putting on a themed carnival for evening program, and two of the older cabins will go stargazing afterwards.

-Julia (Cabin 8 )