With such hot and humid weather yesterday, many campers were eager to spend Activity Period outdoors, playing badminton, aquarium games like Stuck in the Mud and Marco Polo, and jumping off the camp’s tower on White Raft. For supper, campers and counselors enjoyed tacos and apple crisp, camp favorites. After supper, the entire camp participated in a game of Capture the Flag for Evening Program, which takes place not only on the A-field, but also extends into the woods. We were able to play multiple rounds and each team won at least once. Because the weather stayed so warm, all campers took a quick dip after the game and before bed to cool off for the night. Today is a bit cooler than yesterday, but is certainly still warm and perfect weather for swimming. Lakeside campers today played SPUD in sports class. In arts and crafts, campers made embroidery floss friendship bracelets or continued bead necklaces they started yesterday. Additionally, four to six campers from each section (Hilltop, Lakeside, or Seniors) are working on baskets.
We’ve just finished General Swim and campers are off to fourth period class, sports for Hilltop (cabins 1, 2 and 3), arts and crafts for Seniors (Old 6, 7 and 8 ), and rowing, canoeing and sailing for Lakeside (4, 5 and 6).
- Julia (Cabin 8 )