September Update

Greetings to All Asto Wamah Followers and Welcome to the September Update,

It is hard to believe summer is over when the temperature is hovering around 90. This is camp weather, not school weather. Nonetheless, the calendar tells us summer is past and we are into a new season of the year.

The calendar is not the only reminder that summer is over. The cabins at Asto Wamah are now closed up and empty. The Lodge is silent and all the tables, chairs and benches are stacked and put aside. Arts and Crafts is bare: no beads, fabric, gimp, etc. You can hear a pin drop. There is nothing on the Main Dock: no noodles, rescue equipment or goggles. No waterfront box. All the small craft have been taken to winter storage to keep them safe in the months to come. Maybe the most noticeable absence at the waterfront is the rafts. They have been taken to the Aquarium and the sailing area where they are secured and ready for the draining of the lake and the inevitable ice to come. It is a quite and peaceful (although lovely) time at camp.

If you are missing being at camp, I hope you will find Asto Wamah’s new camp video.

The virtual tour reminds me of all the excitement, fun and friendships that are so much a part of a stay at CAW. We have Sweeney to thank for putting this video together with perspectives none of us have ever had (seeing as how we are not birds). Hope you enjoy watching it and reliving your time on Columbia Lake this summer. Be sure to share it with friends who may be interested in attending in 2016, with grandparents or relatives who wonder what your camp is like or anyone interested in visiting the camp we are all so proud of.

Hope the start of your new school year has begun well. Remember to Remember the Other Fellow!

Thinking of you,
