Wednesday July 15th

It was another wonderful day at Camp Asto Wamah! We started off the morning with chocolate chip bread served with cereal or Maypo. It was yet another sunny morning and all the campers enjoyed their time on the lake. Lunch was pork chops with applesauce, carrots and mashed potatoes. A storm came through around the end of the Rest Hour. Instead of General Swim, we all gathered in the upper lodge and played a round of Counselor Trivia. After an indoor 4th period, campers chose from an assortment of board games in the upper lodge during activity period. Of course we prefer sunshine, but we all made the best of the rain and had a fun afternoon.

By suppertime, it had cleared up and it was dry enough to venture out for our traditional Wednesday night picnic. Campers chose a turkey or ham sandwich and also had the option of peanut butter and jelly. Tonight we played "Cops and Robbers", a game that hasn't been played at boys camp in quite a while. The boys loved the competition of the counselors versus campers game!

We just enjoyed watermelon slices for a snack and the boys are now quick dipping before bed. Fortunately, the forecast looks clear for tomorrow and the boys will be able to make the most of the last two days of camp!

LT Trivia yesterday's answer: The Hulk used to be gray

LT Trivia today's question: What are Wolverines' skeleton and claws made of?