Tuesday July 14th

Another day of camp has been a success! Breakfast this morning was cornbread with cereal and oatmeal. There was a threat of rain in the morning, but we avoided the storm and held normal classes. The wind was  especially good today for the seniors during sailing class! Lunch was a special treat - homemade lasagna and vanilla pudding for dessert. After rest hour, it was a gorgeous afternoon for general swim. Activities today included a splash contest off the tower, ultimate frisbee, and Kan Jam. Another group of campers got a chance to set sail on the Hunter with Colleen and Greg.

Dinner this evening was hamburgers served with chips and pasta salad. Chocolate with chocolate frosting was the tasty dessert.  We have an exciting evening program tonight - the LTs are putting on a superhero-themed carnival! Everyone will meet up on the A Field where the LTs have set up all sorts of games, booths and activities to entertain the campers with. The LTs always take pride in planning an awesome carnival; it should be a ton of fun!

We can't believe we only have three more full days of camp left! This group of boys have been such an impressive bunch - we will be sad to see them go on Saturday!

LT Trivia yesterday's answer: Wade Wilson

LT Trivia today's question: What was the Hulk's original color?