Yesterday was a fun, albeit unusually cold, day at Asto Wamah. We played a few fun games in the afternoon and enjoyed the camp favorite dessert, Chocolate Pudding Pie, after lunch. Last night was our end of session banquet. Campers recieved Birch Barkers and year awards as we enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal. We ended the evening with a candle light service.
Today is our final day of classes. Tonight we will have Awards Camp Fire for our final evening program. Campers will recieve certificates of achievment if they passed swimming or boating and ribbons if they placed in any track meet events.
Tomorrow morning the campers go home. Don't forget that they can be picked up no earlier than 8:30 am and NO LATER THAN 10:30 AM.
It's been a wonderful session! We're so glad all you parents chose to send your girls here to be Girls from Asto Wamah!
Abby Cabin 1 Counselor