November Update

Greetings to All Asto Wamah Friends, Hope this new month has gotten off to a good start. I am writing on the 4th and this day is warm and lovely enough to make you totally forget that cold weather is on the horizon.

You will be glad to know that all is well on the shores of Columbia Lake. The Dam was opened just a month ago and within a few days the water had receded to its winter level. Frog Island is a good-sized lump of rock protruding above the surface. It is now possible (and quite easy) to walk from Hungerford to the main dock, in the lake-bed, without getting wet. I will send you pictures that show the VERY large rocks, usually under water, that are now exposed on dry land. This is a great time of year to rake the leaves from the swimming areas. If only there was a way to keep others from blowing in during the next 5 or 6 months.

The leaves are mostly on the ground so the fall color is decreasing by the day. It is amazing how far you can see into the woods and how much closer everything appears. In the silence of the woods, I can still hear the sounds of summer and the fun times. Hope you can still bring those sights and sounds and feelings to mind.

Within a few days, your parents should be receiving a postcard outlining the 2015 dates for next summer. This is sent now with the hope that your vacation plans and camp session at Asto Wamah can both be accommodated into next summer’s plans. Here is the schedule:

June 28 to July 4                   coed                ages 8 to 12

July 5 to July 18                    all boys            ages 8 to 14

July 19 to August 1                all girls            ages 8 to 14

August 2 to August 15            all girls            ages 8 to 14

We hope to see you back at camp in ’15! Don’t forget to contact me at if you have a friend or relative who would like to be added to our mailing list.

Asto Wamah is thankful for you and sends to you and your family the very best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving celebration!

