We are wrapping things up here at Asto Wamah and what a fun and exciting past two days it has been! Yesterday was a normal day until we got to the evening and then some new festivities began. At each two week session, we have a banquet on the last Thursday. Campers are told to wear their cleanest pair of clothes that they have left and to clean up, then all of camp is seated in the upper lodge and we all, along with a few invited guests, and enjoy a wonderful meal just like at Thanksgiving. We enjoyed turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn and homemade gravy - and boy was it delicious!! For dessert we had ice cream from Shadyglen. The festivities didn't end with dinner. Campers were given a quick break to leave the lodge and run around and then the evening continued. We sung some of the campers favorite camp songs, watched a slide-show with pictures from the past two weeks, the campers received year awards, and then there was the candle light service. Every year campers receive a C.A.W. (A felt C with a W going through it to create the camp's initials. The awards also have a number on them representing how many years each camper has been coming to Asto Wamah. Nancy always asks returning campers to raise their hand if they still have their old year awards and nearly everyone in the room (including staff and guests) have their hands up! For the candle light service, the cabin counselors choose one camper from their cabin to to read a quote from the bible about light. Counselors choose someone who has been a wonderful camper in every sense, always participates, listens, is respectful, and enjoys camp. If your son comes home and tells you he was a candle light reader, know that it is a great honor and there are only ten out of all the campers and LTs. After the camper reads his blurb, he and the rest of the cabin place a candle, in a bowl, into the lake. It is a beautiful sight to see the candles floating away.
Today was another fun day, and the most exciting part is about to begin, Camp Fire! Campers will gather around the counselor ring where we will sing sons, receive awards from track and field day, cabin clean-up, swimming, boating, and archery, see a funny skit by the staff, and get a s'more for snack! It is a great time for everybody!
After Camp Fire campers will settle back into their bunks for the last time. I have heard so many campers say that they can't believe how quickly these two weeks have gone by, that they will be sad to leave, and they are excited to see their parents, pets, and siblings (usually stated in that order).
That about wraps it up for the Boys Session 2014. We have had a great time these past two weeks at Asto Wamah and look forward to seeing you bright and early tomorrow!
- The Birch Blogger
P.S. Reminder: Check out begins at 8:30 and usually finishes up by ten o'clock - see you then!