Hello again Birch Bloggers! This morning when we arrived at flagpole, everyone was dressed in costume. Dress-up breakfast featured campers dressed up as various staff members, people dressed for the beach, and ninjas. The cabins went around and introduced themselves and who they were dressed up as, ending with the extra staff who dressed as characters from the Wizard of Oz. For breakfast we had waffles with peanut butter and cereal. A light rain hit camp right around first period which kept us indoors. In sports, campers played ping pong baseball in the upper lodge, swimming classes played Scattegories, and boating classes learned parts of the boat. When the lunch bell rang, we were treated to lasagna! And for supper we had another eat out-style meal; counselors picked locations around camp and brought their cabins with picnic baskets to enjoy a nice meal.
Tonight for evening program we have a special treat, the LT carnival. The LTs have worked hard over the past couple of days to put together a carnival for everyone in camp. All session long the LTs have been putting on a movie-themed trivia contest, so their carnival will reflect the movies they’ve referenced. Traditionally, carnival includes games like potato sack races, musical chairs, limbo, etc. This is a great way for the LTs to put their leadership skills to the test! We are now halfway through the second week of the session which means there are only two full days left. Tomorrow is banquet, so everyone will be sporting their best outfits for a Thanksgiving-style meal in the evening. Be sure to check back tomorrow to hear all about this scrumptious meal!
-The Birch Blogger