Dear Friends of Asto Wamah, Fall has truly arrived at camp. The woods are thinning out and the leaves that remain changing color more noticeably everyday. Columbia Lake is still at its summer level, but the dam will be opened on the 15th and it won’t be long after that before the lake falls to its winter depth. I have included pictures so you can see where the rafts will stay until June. Can you tell that the Gray Raft is in the aquarium and the White Raft is where the sunfish are usually moored? In addition to keeping them safe, now they are in a place where we can easily maintain them.
For the past 10 days we have been focused on the 3 Hilltop cabins. All of them were in need of painting so we began by scraping off loose paint, then priming bare wood, and finally giving each a clean, new coat of paint. For the first time ever they are all painted the same color – a woodsy green. I think you’ll like the new look on the hill. We hope to tackle the cabin floors next week. I will update you in November.
Many thanks to all of you who completed and returned the evaluation questions. Several great suggestions were made that will be implemented next summer. It was because of an evaluation reply a number of years ago that we built a washstand at Cabin 6. What a bright idea! Remember, there is no time limit on the evaluations, so send it whenever you get a chance. We would honestly love to hear your ideas and observations. We are thrilled that so many are pleased with the Asto Wamah camping experience.
I wish you a Happy October, filled with fun fall activities and endless ways to share your Asto Wamah respectful attitude.