Wacky Wednesday!

Today was a clear, sunny day! Campers began the day with a yummy breakfast of blueberry bread, cereal, and fresh peaches. They then went to their morning classes enthusiastically, excited to be back outside after yesterday's rainy weather. It was a perfect windy day for sailors! Dinner was parmesan chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and bread, with lime Italian ice for dessert!

Everyone enjoyed their Rest Hour and General Swim, although campers were a bit chilly when they got out of the water and into the afternoon breeze. Fourth period Arts and Crafts warmed up by building a fire in the lower lodge! With the session nearing its end, campers are finishing up their pillows, baskets, and bracelets. Activity Period today included jumping off the tower, paddleboarding, board games, and sailing!

Supper was eat-out. Campers made cold-cut or peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches to eat outside with their cabins. It was a beautiful evening for a picnic!

Tonight's Evening Program was a "Carnival." Each cabin ran a booth with a game or activity, and campers could walk around to other cabin's booths to play. Favorites included limbo, musical chairs, face painting, and battleship. It was a fun time! After a snack of nectarines, everyone went to bed for a refreshing sleep!

Check in tomorrow evening for updates on Banquet Day!

-the Birch Blogger