Day 3!!!

Today, we awoke to bright sunshine. We did our Chicken Fat exercises and had a breakfast of waffles with peanut butter--a delicious camp tradition! We have reached the midway point of the first week, and campers are really beginning to settle into camp as they become familiar with the daily schedule and their classes. Everyone is improving rapidly in swimming and boating! I was impressed with my hilltop boating class, who are rowing very well for having only had a few classes. Dinner was a hearty meal of Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, carrots, squash, and bread, with pears for dessert.

The afternoon ran as usual. Some fun activities offered for Activity Period included jumping off the tower, paddleboarding, and badminton. Some girls even went fishing with home-made fishing poles!

Supper tonight was "eat-out." The kitchen staff had the night off, so instead of a hot meal in the lodge, we had a picnic meal of peanut butter and jelly or cold-cut sandwiches, with chips, pickles, and cookies. Cabins went to various locations around camp to eat. Popular spots included rafts and docks. It was a beautiful evening to be dining on the lake!

Now, campers have gathered for an Evening Program of Spies and Smugglers! In this game, campers are split into two groups--the spies and the smugglers. The smugglers begin at the flagpole, where they are given pieces of paper with a certain number of points written on it. The smugglers hide the points somewhere in their clothing and then run as fast as they can to the A-field, where their points will be collected. The spies, on the other hand, start on the A-field and travel down through the paths and woods, trying to tag the smugglers. If a spy tags a smuggler, they have three guesses as to where the smuggler hid her paper. If the spy guesses correctly, the points go to the spy's team. If not, the spy is free to continue up to the field. After one round, the groups swap roles, so each camper gets a turn to spy and to smuggle. With lots of running around, and opportunity for creative in hiding points, it is always a fun game!

Check back tomorrow for more Wamah updates!

-the Birch Blogger