Today, campers made the most of their last day of the session. Everyone was surprised at how quickly the session flew by. We began the day with bagels and cereal, then went about our regular morning routine. Swimming and boating classes were happy to be in the lake as the day grew hotter. Campers perfected skills and found out whether or not they had passed into the next level. While campers are sometimes sad if they don't pass, we always remind them that the level they are in is not nearly as important as how hard they worked and how much they improved, and everyone certainly improved a lot!! Dinner today was Shepard's Pie--a dish of meat, potatoes, and corn- a camp favorite! Dessert was chocolate/vanilla-twist pudding with whipped cream!
Rest Hour was relaxing but hot, and campers were happy to get into the water for General Swim. The water was beautiful and refreshing!
Activity Period today included aquarium games in the water, boating practice, archery, finishing art projects, and jumping off the tower. Many new level 4 swimmers got to jump for the first time!
Supper tonight was meatball grinders with veggie sticks and applesauce, and peach crisp for dessert!
Now, campers are gathering kindling for our campfire tonight. We will have singing, s'mores, and boating and swimming awards. After, we will go for a quick swim to cool off before bed.
The campers are excited to see you tomorrow! Please come between 8:30 and 10:00 to pick up your child. See you then!
- the Birch Blogger