Today marked the middle of Session 1, and campers are really beginning to feel at home now. The day began with a breakfast of hot oatmeal and English muffins. Morning classes started a few minutes early with Morning Thought, a time for campers to reflect on a certain topic. Today, we had some skits (acted out by some of our own talented actors and actresses!) and discussion about how to respect nature. After, campers went about their normal morning routine. Dinner was ham, noodles, carrots, and bread, with Italian ice for dessert. Yummy!
The afternoon schedule today was different than usual, in order to make time for a special program. Instead of our normal Activity Period, we had "Joe the lobster man" come and teach us about lobsters and lobster catching. He showed us his "pots," the lobster traps, and two live lobsters that he had brought with him. Many campers got to touch a lobster! He was entertaining and funny, and everyone learned a lot!
The kitchen staff have an evening off tonight, so supper was "eat out," a meal during which everyone makes their own picnic sandwich, and each cabin goes to a different spot around camp to eat outside. The docks were the most popular locations!
Now, campers are up on the A-field, ending their day with an exciting game of Capture the Flag!
We are excited for the Fourth of July tomorrow! Check back in the evening for more updates!
-the Birch Blogger