Dear Birch Blogger Reader, I am happy to report that spring has truly arrived at Asto
Wamah. From the attached pictures you can see that all things green are sprouting abundantly. The stream under the Icky Water Bridge is running steadily and the marsh marigolds are in full bloom as is the skunk cabbage. Soon the buds on the trees will be full grown leaves.
The picture of the waterfront shows that the lake is on the rise. The rock off Little Dipper (notice the duck lounging) needs to be covered with water in order for Columbia Lake to be considered full. So you can see that wishing for rain is a good idea.
On April 27th, about 40 people took part in the spring clean up which involves lots of leaf raking, picking up fallen branches and stacking them, cleaning out the winter dirt from each cabin, window washing in the Lodge and getting camp ready for the 104th season. We were lucky to have a gorgeous day and the hard work of so many paid off. Camp looks amazing!
On Saturday, May 25th from 3-5 we invite all families that are interesting in touring Asto Wamah and hearing about our program to come for Open Camp Day. Staff and campers will be on hand to take groups around camp and answer questions. It is a perfect way for new campers to get a first hand look at the camp and meet people who will be here this summer.
At this writing, the only session that still has a few openings is the Aug. 4 to Aug. 17 all girls 2-weeks. Coed and boys’ have fairly short waiting lists so there is still hope there. Spread the word. Thank you!
May the arrival of spring give you many reasons to be outdoors, enjoying life.