Greetings and Good Wishes to Asto Wamah’s Friends, December 2012 was a busy month for Asto Wamah. There were the daily and routine tasks (mostly working in the woods). Also during December, many 15 year olds applied for a place in the Leadership Training Program by writing letters of interest. This is also a month when we receive the names and addresses of those who would like to be added to our mailing list. (There is still time so keep that contact information coming!)
December is also when we hold the once-a-year Camp Reunion. Luckily the Camp Reunion was not negatively impacted by any storm event this year. An enthusiastic group of 50 campers and 25 staff arrived at the Church House in Hartford on 12/26 to reconnect with summer friends, play games, eat ice cream and be entertained by Dennis Waring, a fascinating presenter who makes music interesting and fun. Many of those in the audience took on roles as assistants making the show all the more engaging.
2012 was a wonderful year at Asto Wamah. Improvements to our facility were well received and welcomed. Our camper population along with our fine staff continued to strive to make Asto Wamah the kind of summer camp that provides children with a safe and warm community where personal growth and the highest ideals of cooperate living are nurtured.
A new year is now ahead of us. In February, the 2013 camp brochures will be mailed, registration for the summer will begin and our 104th season will be underway. Hope you will be able to take part in this future.
Stay safe and well. May 2013 bring you happiness and peace. Nancy