Greetings to all Asto Wamah Friends, With Sandy having inflicted suffering and discomfort on so much of the region I am thinking of all of you as I write. I hope you are well and safe and you were able to weather
the storm with little disturbance. I was relieved to walk around Camp today and find that Sandy had spared us. Other than some trees on the Camp Road that were all blown down in a heap, there was no damage. That certainly will make this November easier than November of 2011.
With October behind us, I am writing to update you on the most recent events at Camp. Probably the most dramatic event of October is the scheduled lowering of Columbia Lake. Ironically, when the dam was opened on October 15th, the lake was at its highest level of the summer. We all remember the record (2 feet) low level that gradually got lower and lower as the summer progressed. In the weeks before Oct. 15th there were a number of heavy rainstorms that brought the lake up by a few inches. At this time you can walk from Pollywog Dock to the floating dock in the lake-bed. As you can see from the picture taken on October 26th, the Aquarium looks drastically different. Now both rafts are sitting on the bottom of the lake, ready to winter there in safety.
In addition to the usual upkeep jobs, we have been working to get a new coat of paint on the White Cottage. We are close to done.
I trust your parents have received the postcard with the 2013 schedule of sessions and fees. It is posted on the website as well. Hopefully a session at Asto Wamah will be in your 2013 summer plans.
Wishing you a happy November and a grateful Thanksgiving.
All best,