Day 5 & 6

The fifth day of camp began with chocolate chip bread, much to the campers delight. We were able to avoid the rain until much later in the day, and so morning classes went off without a hitch. For dinner we had chicken parmesan and sorbet (both strawberry and lemon). After a nice and relaxing rest hour, it was time for general swim! Campers paired up, and went into their respective swimming levels before fourth period and activity period. Supper this evening was pulled pork and cherry cake. Due to a quick, but heavy rain storm, evening program was inside. It was Deck-A-Counselor! Each cabin picked 2 staff members, and a few LT's, and created skits with them - all while dressing them up however they decided! It was a very entertaining night to say the least!

Today camp began with waffles and peanut butter, a fan favorite. Our morning ran as normal, as we luckily avoided the threat of rain once again! Dinner was meatloaf, a new recipe this camp season, and the campers really liked it. Butterscotch pudding followed, before it was time for rest hour. 

Then the day really got interesting! A special African Drumming program visited camp today, and each group of campers got to participate with their cabins. While very loud, it was very exciting and the campers really enjoyed it. With a funky schedule to fit everyones classes in, as well as this program, it took us right up to supper. Tonight we had chicken melts and gingerbread cake. Now all the campers are getting ready for evening program, in long pants, tied shoes, and dark clothing. Any guesses???? PIRATES! 

Until tomorrow,
