It is sad to say that this is the last camp Birch Blog post for this summer, but there is lots to tell of our beautiful day out here on Columbia lake. The campers awoke this morning to bagels with cream cheese for breakfast, or the choice of cereal. It was a good day to have a swim class, as all of our campers were able to have a fun Friday and do something special with their class. Some went swimming to cooks dock, some jumped off the tower, others dove for rings, and some played aquarium games. Our row boating and canoeing classes were able to go out one last time, and there appeared to be lots of good news in terms of passing. Sailors were told yesterday about their level, so today they helped with the cleaning of the sailboats. This was a ton of fun, as we played lots of music and sprayed each other with water to make the cleaning more than bearable. For dinner we had baked ziti served with veggies and rolls. For dessert we had delicious chocolate cake with a whipped cream frosting. After rest hour we had an extra long general swim given how hot it was again. This afternoon we tried to keep the campers in and out of the water since it was the best thing to cool us off. For supper we had tacos and vanilla cake with vanilla frosting for dessert. We close out this session and our summer here with our traditional campfire. At campfire the campers will get their boating, swimming, and track and field awards, and of course, s’mores! With campfire also comes lots of camp songs, and I am sure it will be a great night. Thank you to everyone who has shown love to Asto Wamah this year, we greatly appreciate you. Only less than 365 until the first day of camp 2022!