Boys' Camp - Banquet!

Hello everyone!

For breakfast today, we had french toast, along with orange juice and hot cocoa.

Classes this morning were more intense than usual: we started testing campers in swimming and boating! Some campers today swam for the first time in Intermediate or Deep Water during General Swim! In Arts and Crafts, projects have started to finish up so that everything can be taken home once the session is done. Sports classes played the ever-popular GaGa.

For dinner, we had our traditional pre-Banquet meal of sandwiches, along with chocolate cake for dessert. Rest hour was definitely needed today, and everyone was in good spirits afterwards!

Fourth period classes went on as usual, and we headed up to the A-Field to play Nonstop Cricket for Activity Period! Our version of cricket involves protecting a trash can, hitting with a tennis racket, and unlimited outs.

Tonight, supper and Evening Program were combined into Banquet. Banquet is the second-to-last night of camp, where we have a meal with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, and ice cream, and where campers are given awards for each year of camp that they have attended. It's also the night where the LT's, our counselors-in-training, are given their clipboards! We sing a lot of songs and hand out the Birch Barker, which is our camp newspaper. It has stories, articles, and the results of Track Meet, which campers were eager to see!

Tomorrow will be our last full day of camp, and it's certainly going to be busy! The weather looks partly cloudy and warm, and it's sure to be a fun-filled day.

See you all tomorrow!
