Dear Faithful Asto Wamah Blog Followers,
As each day gets longer, the time until the start of the 2016 season at Asto Wamah gets shorter. The spring-like days we’ve enjoyed lately make us realize that summer is really close. The Skunk Cabbage is in full bloom by the Icky Water Bridge and signs of new growth are everywhere.
By this time an outstanding staff of capable and dedicated young adults has been hired. They are excited to be working at Camp and eager to ensure that every camper has an awesome time - making new friends, learning new skills, and growing through new challenges.
We are pleased that enrollment has been strong. There are places still open in Coed (June 26 to July 2) and the second Girls’ session (July 31 to August 13), but the Boys’ and first Girls’ sessions are just about full. There is still time to pass the word about Asto Wamah to friends, relatives and neighbors. Thank you for all the good publicity you provide to Camp. This summer there will be a special t-shirt for all who recommend CAW to someone who registers. So far 28 campers and counselors have earned that reward.
T-SHIRT DESIGN - Speaking of t-shirts, we do not yet have a design for this summer’s shirt. If you are interested, I would be happy to check out designs submitted through our upload page by May 1st. I will report the winner in the May Blog.
Those of you who are returning will see some adjustments in this summer’s daily schedule. All that you love about Camp will still be there but in addition, we’ll be including new activities and giving you more time to spend with the ones you enjoy the most. In the May Blog I will be giving you details about some of the innovations you can expect this summer.
Saturday, April 30th is Asto Wamah’s spring workday. This is the day when friends of Camp gather to do a variety of jobs to officially open the site. There will be leaf raking, and cabin, Infirmary, and Old John cleaning. Workers should arrive by 9AM. We’ll finish with lunch in the Lodge at noon. All are invited and welcome. Come join us on this day for work and fun. Be sure to RSVP through the CONTACT page on the website if you plan to come. Thank you!
Check back for photos I’ll be sending soon.
Enjoy April!