A Pirates Life For Me- Day 6 Second Girls

Sorry today’s post is a little late, it’s been a hectic day.

This morning for breakfast the campers enjoyed fresh baked corn bread, grape jelly, butter, and cereal. While the kids munched on breakfast they also enjoyed orange juice and hot cocoa. The morning schedule was normal as usual. In arts&crafts campers were given the option to tie dye shirts, headbands, or any white article of clothing. For lunch, we had homemade lasagna, a Camp Asto Wamah favorite!!!! Many of the campers had seconds, and thirds for this wonderful meal. With meal they were served baguettes, salad, and ranch dressing. After lunch the campers got their candy from the store, and hunkered down for rest hour. The afternoon schedule was normal with general swim, fourth period, and activity period. Some activities that were being offered today were fishing, gaga, uno, and a fan favorite, the tower! Dinner tonight was a little different since the kitchen had their day off. The campers gathered around the flag pole and enjoyed hot dogs, chips, pickles, cookies, and bug juice! Our evening program was something that our campers looked forward to all session long, PIRATES! While playing the game, the campers collected trash to earn points for their teams. For our evening time snack the campers had fresh cut watermelon. The kids are now asleep and ready for tomorrow! Toodles Till Tomorrow!