We started off our day this morning with the revealing of our secret sisters. It was great to see the girls thanking one another for all of the nice things that they had done for each other. For breakfast we had a surprise… banana bread! I can say that it was delicious and filling! This morning, classes continued on as normal, although it was on the chillier side. For dinner we had beef barbecue and vanilla pudding for dessert. After rest hour we all headed up to the A-field and played Run Around Town, which is essentially a kickball game where you score points by running around your teammates. It was a close, competitive, and fun game, with the score being 20 (Team Quack)-19 (Team Moo). As the day went on, the more beautiful the weather became. Thus many of our newly passed boaters were able to go out on the lake and soak up some sun while utilizing their recently developed skills. For supper we had eat out due to the kitchen having their final night out, so we had many cabins out eating on the docks together. Tonight we have LT carnival for evening program! Their theme this year is outer space. Many of the campers are excited to see which games they have prepared. It will be fun for sure! We are looking forward to banquet tomorrow and a great last two days at camp!