It was the general consensus among counselors that it was hard to get the kids out of bed this morning. Pirates last night was pretty exhausting! Everyone started their day with english muffins and cereal. Morning classes were as exciting as always, especially with the awesome weather we have been having these past two days. With only one full day left, classes were focused on perfecting campers' skills and finishing art projects!
Baked ziti was offered for lunch today, along with a salad and slices of french bread. Campers had pears for dessert and then stopped by the store to grab some candy to ensure their sugar rush would hit right before rest hour! Everyone went in for general swim today and we had a record breaking 57 swimmers in aquarium! There was plenty to do in the water today. Many campers chose to dive for rings, play with noodles, and search for the smoothest rocks in the lake.
Fourth period was as exciting as the morning classes! Sports class offered soccer on the A-field and nature worked on making "weapons" to go "boar - hunting." Kevin, our nature expert, is very good at coming up with creative ways to get campers excited about the outdoors. Activity period followed and soccer was back by popular demand. Other options included jumping off the tower, an archery tournament, and more piano lessons. The Gaga pit was as popular as ever, with campers battling it out in the sandy ring!
Grilled cheese was paired with tomato soup to fill campers with a comforting meal. Chips, salad, and fruit were also served on the side. Apple crisp was passed out for dessert and the campers were thrilled!
Tonight for evening program we are trying a new game called "Step it Up!" The object of this game is for campers to earn beans by completing various challenges set up on the A-field. With each bean they give to their team captain, the staff member representing their team takes a step closer to the A-field. Whichever team's captain arrives to the middle of the A-field first wins! We are expecting it to be a big hit with the campers!
We are confident the campers will fall fast asleep tonight ready to wake up and finish up their last full day of camp tomorrow!
It has been a fun week at Asto Wamah!
~Taylor and Shannon