Our streak of good weather has finally come to an end! Although we had quite a bit of rain today, we did not have a lack of excitement and energy running through our camp!
With pounding rain waking us up, we all hurried down to breakfast to eat an assortment of bagels and cereal! We also had an option of oatmeal in place of cereal which many people hurried to get due to the chill in the air.
With this poor weather around us, we did not go astray from our usual schedule of classes! Swimmers entered the water and were surprised by how warm it was! Boaters enjoyed a slight drizzle out on the lake which everyone was warm in the upper lodge for sports class and the lower lodge for arts and crafts!
Spirits were kept high during a delicious lunch of pork chops and green beans with mashed potatoes on the side! Everyone was excited to learn that rest hour was going to be extended for thirty minutes so that everyone would be able to get ready for our talent show tonight!
A surprise general swim was sprung on us when we awoke after rest hour and saw the sun shining bright against the blue sky! After a nice swim, everyone went off to fourth period and then activity period! Most activities were kept indoors with board games being played in the upper lodge, however, many campers decided to use this time to go practice for their acts for tonight!
Everyone is putting the last finishing touches on what they have practiced! This will be our evening program tonight and we have a wide range of talents ready to be shown! We are all excited to find out the hidden talents among us!
Hopefully the weather does not continue in this fashion and we can have a few nice days of camp!
~Allissa Parker