Boys' Camp - Day 7!

Hello everyone!

Today was a bright and sunny day on Columbia Lake, and the campers were excited for their classes! Breakfast was cinnamon bread and cereal, and after breakfast it was time for campers to switch their bunks. Since it's the halfway point of the session, campers have a chance to switch from the top bunk to the bottom bunk, or vice versa!

A few swimmers passed their classes today, which was great! It's always nice when someone passes early :)

For dinner, we had ravioli, baguettes, and salad. Dessert was brownies with extra chocolate chips! Once the usual candy was purchased from the Camp Store, we had a good rest hour where everyone got some energy for the afternoon.

Campers were excited to get into the lake for General Swim today, and they dove for rings, jumped off the tower, and looked for cool rocks! If it's a hot day like today, Catherine will ask counselors if they want a quick dip, and a few counselors jumped in to cool off!

Kitchen staff had a night out tonight, so we had our second version of Eat Out: hot dogs around the flagpole! We set up buffet-style stations and have counselors serve campers, who could sit anywhere to eat around the flagpole area. There was bug juice (lemonade) to drink, and cookies for dessert.

Tonight's Evening Program was King Dodge, which we played up on the A-Field. There's a normal dodgeball game going, but once you're out, you cross the center line to your enemy's jail. While you're in jail, if you can pick up a dodgeball and hit someone from the opposite team, you're free and the person you hit has to go to jail! We played a couple of rounds until there was no man standing.

After King Dodge, we headed down to the waterfront for some snacks, songs, and a quick dip! We haven't had a lot of rain this session, so the A-Field and paths around camp have started to get very dusty. The quick dip tonight was a nice way for campers to rinse off some of that dust!

It looks like another sunny day tomorrow, which is perfect for Track Meet! The second Sunday at camp is a big Track and Field day, with lots of events for campers to have fun at.

See you all tomorrow!
