Halfway Point!

Today we are officially half-way through our first girl's session of the year! It has gone by so fast! 

Swimming classes spent the day working on perfecting their strokes. Sports had a fun time playing games on the A-Field, and boating classes had a beautiful day on the lake. Canoeing classes have been "training" for a couple of days working on their speed so they could be strong competitors in today's canoeing race. It got competitive! Sailing classes did not have the luxury of much wind so instead of sailing they went paddle boarding and snorkeling along the shore. 

For lunch we had Lasagna followed by Jell-O for dessert! For dinner we had our second "eat out" of the session because it is the Kitchen's night off. It was a fun buffet-style meal where campers got their food and then were able to sit around the waterfront and enjoy their meal with friends from other cabins. We offered oranges and cookies for dessert which many campers ate while waiting to play tetherball! Not our typical dinner, but it was a welcomed change by all!

Tonight we will be finishing our game of "Mission to Mars" for evening program. Last night the "humans" had a chance to capture the "martian's" flag. Tonight we will switch roles and the "martians" will have a chance to capture the "human's" flag.

Tomorrow we will host our traditional Track and Field day so we hope the campers sleep well tonight and wake up tomorrow with a lot of energy!

~Shannon and Sloane