Welcome to Asto Wamah’s March Blog
Thank you for tuning in! February was certainly a BIG month for CAW. Registration opened in Feb. 1 and within a few days a great majority of the bunks were filled. Guess that is the magic of computers and the digital age. We are delighted that so many former campers will be returning as well an enthusiastic group of first-years. Thank you to all of you who have been so successful in telling friends, neighbors and relatives about Asto Wamah. You are our most effective advertisement!
In addition to registering campers, we have also been busy with forming the 2020 staff. A large number of applications have arrived and now we are in the process of assigning sessions. We are excited about the new and returning adults who will work at Asto Wamah this summer.
Maintenance projects continued in February. The decking on the White Raft was removed and after some structural upgrades a lovely new top was added. Little Dipper also got some major repairs so that it should be good for another 25 years! One picture shows the improvements to the dock and raft. The other picture, looking toward the Main Dock, starts with a close-up of the Gray Raft. That is definitely a rarely seen view of Columbia Lake. The water will remain at the ‘winter’ level until the rains and underground springs fill it again. We don’t count on any melting snow to help this spring:(
This is an early SAVE THE DATE announcement. OPEN CAMP DAY will be held on Saturday May 23rd from 3:00 to 5:00. Everyone is invited. First year campers and their families will get to see the layout of our buildings and activity areas and go into a cabin to see what they are like. Any former camper who would like to come and give a tour and tell about our camp program is welcomed to come and join the staff that will also be on hand, introducing children and parents to Asto Wamah.
Spring is not far off! We are counting down the days until CAW is bustling with happy campers and staff.
Stay well! CAW is on its way!
Jen, Catherine, Chris and Nancy