Second Girls' First Day

Welcome to our new readers, and welcome back to all of our returning Birch Blog followers! Our last session of the summer, second girls’, started today. The weather for moving in was pretty perfect, as it was not too hot or cold, and there was breeze flowing throughout camp. Happy campers came marching in with smiles and excitement, followed by the LTs who helped move in their things. After everyone was settled on in their cabins, we went around to ask the girls if they wanted to try archery or tennis during sports, their boating levels, and their swimming levels. The girls then went on tours around camp to refresh or introduce themselves the lay of the land. We then all gathered to do introductions and some general rules for camp. Afterwards we got the new girls in the water to get tested for their swimming levels. Everything went well and many were ecstatic to get in our beautiful lake. We all gathered for supper, which of course was our traditional first meal: hotdogs, tater tots, baked beans, and brownies for dessert. Evening program tonight will be our classic Medical Wars! We hope that the rain holds off! There is so much positive energy around camp— this session looks like it will be a good one! We are really looking forward to the next two weeks. Until tomorrow!