First Day of Boys' Camp!

Hello everyone, and welcome to Boys’ Camp!

After drop-off yesterday, campers went to their cabins to meet their counselors and cabinmates! After some icebreakers, it was time for a tour of camp: the lodge, the bathrooms, the waterfront, the A-field, etc. Once the tours were done, it was time for Chris to introduce the staff and LTs and go over camp rules.

Since we have 29 new campers this session, we had swim classification tests after the rules, which led us right into supper (what we call dinner). Supper was hot dogs and tater tots, with brownies for dessert!

After supper, we had our first Evening Program! The traditional first game is Medical War, which is a huge game of dodgeball with two medics that can "revive" players during the rounds! Everyone had a fun time playing, and when the game was over, Chris explained how nighttime works at camp.

Once back in the cabin, counselors picked a book to read to their campers; hopefully some campers fell asleep as their counselors read :)

The weather looks warm and sunny for the 4th today, and I'm sure we'll have a good time in the lake for our first day of classes!

Have a great day!
