Finally, a day with no rain!

Upon waking up, campers and staff were greeted with another cloudy morning. However, that soon changed shortly after our delicious breakfast, which included cinnamon bread (yum!), cereal, bananas, OJ, and hot cocoa. After breakfast, campers returned to their cabins to work together and prepare their living spaces for the nurse’s inspection.

When the bell rang to begin first period, campers sauntered down to the waterfront and up to the A-Field and were greeted by sunshine and a cool breeze. In sports class, senior girls completed activities on the low ropes course. Their objective was to keep a pirate ship from sinking while plundering gold, candy, and puppies - they had a great time, and their problem solving strategies were very clever! The younger girls also went on the ropes course, and completed the Whale Watch and Space Loops. Lakeside had everyone successfully complete the Space Loops, which no group had ever done before!

On the lake, campers practiced their diving skills and further refined their swimming strokes. Our level 4 swimmers started their swim test today - many of our swimmers have progressed even after only 4 days of lessons! In Arts and Crafts, a ton of campers were making tie-dye shirts; the clothesline on the Lower Lodge porch was full of drying multi-colored shirts! They looked great!

Lunch was Shepherd’s Pie (meat, potatoes, and corn), and was perfectly seasoned! We even had a new addition - green beans! Apple crisp (a camp favorite!!) was served for dessert. It was still warm, and melted the whipped cream on top. Everyone was impressed with Lexi’s culinary creation!

After lunch, campers headed off to store - we have determined that the campers favor fruity and sour candies over chocolate. Sour Skittles and Airhead Extremes are by far the most popular. A bunch of campers bought postcards and stamps, so keep an eye out for mail (maybe after pick-up since we only have one day left!).

After Rest Hour, campers enjoyed our first sunny General Swim and participated in water games with their friends. Then they were off to fourth period. Our smallcraft classes battled gusty winds, and did a great job showing their feathering skills! During activity period, campers went fishing, played Gaga ball with Nick, jumped off the tower with Mason and Sarah, played non-stop cricket (a combination of tennis and baseball that is fast paced and everyone is up each inning), went sailing on the Hunter with Sophie, played card games with Kymani, and learned how to play the ukulele with Ellie!

Dinner was chicken patties, with lettuce, tomato, cheese, and pickles, as well as flavored potato chips and carrot sticks. We had pears for dessert, and then it was time for another camp favorite - PIRATES! Pirates is a game where campers are divided into two teams - the “X-Faces” and the “Plain Faces.” They wear dark clothing, run through the woods throwing flour sack “guns,” and try to steal the other team’s treasure - there is even a treasure map, which discloses the location of the treasure! Campers had a great time running all over camp!

Campers are now in bed, and are looking forward to another beautiful day tomorrow! We look forward to making the most of our last day!