Hello everyone!
It was gorgeous and sunny all day long, and we certainly took advantage of it! Breakfast was an egg scramble, yogurt, and toast. Camp duties switched this morning, so every cabin has a new job!
Classes this morning went well, as everyone was excited to get in the lake during swim class! For dinner, we had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans, with pears for dessert.
Rest Hour was peaceful and calm, which was a nice break before General Swim. For activity period today, activities offered included basketball, jumping off the tower, and the card game Egyptian Ratscrew!
Supper tonight was chicken patties and raspberry sherbet for dessert! After supper, we headed up to the A-Field to play the game "Step It Up". In this game, campers are split into two teams, and each team has a counselor as their "robot" that follows a path. Minigames are set up around the field (dodgeball, football, CanJam, etc.), and campers can win pea beans for how well they do at each game. Each bean given to a robot means that the robot can take one step along the path. It's a race between the two teams to win enough beans to make their robot complete the course faster than the other robot!
Tomorrow looks sunny with partial cloudiness, so we're hoping for another awesome day on the lake :)
See you all tomorrow!