May Update

Welcome to MAY!

            Now that spring has arrived, signs of new life are appearing everywhere at Asto Wamah.  Here is my favorite May scene: the skunk cabbage and marsh marigolds under the Icky Water Bridge.  Just a few weeks ago there was no green here at all.  I know that within a week or two, the trees will also be green again and Asto Wamah will look a lot more like summer.

Skunk Cabbage Under the Icky Water Bridge

Skunk Cabbage Under the Icky Water Bridge

            Our annual spring workday was held this year on April 30.  A group of enthusiastic and energetic volunteers raked billions! of leaves and dragged away fallen twigs and branches.  They washed windows and cleaned and aired out all the buildings after their winter's sleep.  Thanks to these dedicated volunteers, camp is once again looking beautiful.

            Construction on our new Gaga Pit is about to start and the relocated horseshoe pit is nearing completion.  In addition to the ukuleles, a wide variety of programming equipment is being purchased so that we will be ready to provide our campers with fun, challenging and engaging activities.  Some will be new but the favorite oldies will, of course, be back as well.

            I am pleased to be able to announce that enrollment has been strong.  Two sessions are full and the others are getting there.  It is still not too late to introduce Asto Wamah to a friend.  The virtual tour video on our Home Page offers prospective campers a great view of life at Asto Wamah.

            I hope you all know that everyone is invited to Open Camp Day, scheduled for May 28th from 3 to 5PM.  Experienced campers and staff will give guided tours and answer questions for our first-time visitors.  This will be a perfect time for new campers to become familiar with the campsite and discover how special Asto Wamah is!  I hope to see many of you there. 

Less than 8 weeks to the start of COED!!
