Sunday July 26th - Track Meet

Happy Sunday! We had an awesome Track Meet today! The day started off with french toast, honey dew melon and cereal. At 10am, instead of heading to first period classes, everyone went up to the field. There, we competed in the standing long jump, the running long jump and the softball throw followed by the 50 yard dash. By then it was about noon and we all went in the lake for the general swim. Our noontime meal was our traditional Sunday ham and noodles served with green beans and jello or peaches for dessert. Everyone was pretty tired at this point in the day after all that running and jumping so we enjoyed a slightly longer rest hour.

After everyone had a chance to recharge, girls that were interested in running "the marathon" (about a half mile) headed up to the field. Everyone else stayed by the flagpole and cheered on the girls at the finish line. Finally, it was time for the main event of the day - the Indian War Relay! Everyone participates in a relay race that starts on the camp road, dips into the lake with some swimmers, hands off to rowboaters, followed by canoes and then ends with runners down the path from Hungerford with the final leg of a 50 yard swim. It was a very exciting competition and all the girls were down at the dock at the end cheering on their team.

Afterwards, we had activity period. Campers had the opportunity to participate in swim races as part of the Track Meet day or go sail on the Hunter, play apples to apples, badminton or card games.

This evening we had "pick up" dinner. We put out all the leftovers in camp in a big buffet and everyone could choose two items. The assortment included cold cut sandwiches, meatballs and noodles, baked ziti,  pasta salad, chicken quesadillas and chicken pot pies. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the variety!

Tonight, we will do the last part of the track meet. Everyone will participate in different relay races on the field. Some of the activities will be the soccer ball dribble, an obstacle course, dizzy izzy, and knockout.

Tomorrow we will be back to our normal class schedule! Keep checking back every evening for an update!