PICK UP TOMORROW 8:30AM - 10:00AM The last day of boys camp was a great success! We started off the morning with waffles and peanut butter (a camp tradition) and cereal. It was a gorgeously sunny morning for boating, swimming and sports. Campers finished up pillows and geckos in arts and crafts; those that were done with their projects did some drawings and wrote thank-you letters to their counselors.
Our midday meal was Texas Casserole (rice, ground beef, and tomatoes with cheddar cheese on top) with salad and butterscotch pudding for dessert. After our last rest hour, it was a sunny afternoon for a general swim. Following our final fourth period, activities were ultimate frisbee, jumping off the tower, and basketball. We also had an exciting game of Pirates which is a game played on the sunfish sailboats. Campers team up in groups of 3 with at least one experienced sailor and they play a game of "tag" with bright yellow balls. The older boys look forward to it all session!
Tonight we enjoyed chicken fajitas and raspberry jello. Now, the campers are all back at their cabins with their counselors clearing off their clotheslines and packing up their belongings. When they are done tidying up, we will play some games on the field before our traditional Campfire. We will all gather in the Council Ring, sing songs, eat s'mores and some campers will receive boating, swimming and track meet awards. It's a great way to wrap up the session and reward everyone's hard work. This year we are very lucky to have some musical counselors and campers performing!
This group has been such a pleasure for the last two weeks. We look forward to seeing them back at camp next year and we hope you share the word about CAW with your friends and family! There are still openings for both of our girls sessions this summer.
Tomorrow we will have breakfast at 7:30am and we will see you for pick up between 8:30am-10:00am.